Instagram Marketing Tips | Advanced Growth Hacks Using Instagram Stories You Can’t Miss!

instagram marketing tips instagram stories

Instagram Marketing  Strategy: The world belongs to those who drive with the changes!

From personal to professional spaces, the world is going through a series of changes. Talking about the business changes, one thing that I can’t deny is the crucial role of social media which is growing in tons.

Instagram is one social media fad that is driving the world crazy with its simple ways of turning small businesses into brands! While you all like to post your favorite pictures on Instagram, today, I will reveal the magic of Instagram stories that will help your business to grow.

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You might be surprised to know that more than 500 million users spend their daily time watching Instagram stories! Well, these 24-hour snippets provide an intimate look at your content. These quick stories are the best way to boost engagement on your Instagram handle.



instagram stories marketing strategy

The most significant fact with Instagram stories is creativity and content. In this business, creative content speaks louder than any tactics and strategies. Moving on, I list some ways to leverage Instagram stories to make the most of story engagement.

Have a look!

  • Create engaging content and post it as an Instagram story using the multiple stickers offered by Instagram.
  • “Don’t underestimate the power of an interactive sticker!” Well, this is what I believe these interactive stickers engage the audience in all positive ways.
  • Use the question sticker for responses, feedbacks, and various kinds of interactions with the audiences. Trust me, it will show your interest in them, and their feedbacks.
  • Do not forget to share your answers and their submissions, remember the way customer is interested in everything you do, you should do the same!
  • Try using location tags and hashtags in your stories which gives you a chance to get cover in that hashtag’s top story.

*No doubt that stickers, hashtags, polls, and others call for engaging content as well. One of the biggest hacks that you can use when running short of specialized story content is that you can post your feed posts to the Instagram story. It not only helps you to have engaging content in a moment but also increases the reach to the original post.

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Instagram Marketing Tips: Instagram Stories

Now, here goes a pro tip!

Share other people’s posts on your Instagram story. It sets two advantages:

  • This tip will help you to give shoutouts to those posting your product posts.
  • It will help you to feature in people’s stories when they repost it.
  • Catchy taglines and Instagram captions are your way for more engagement.
  • Do not forget to tag the specific page while posting their posts, it offers better reach.

While Instagram is a vast platform for making most of your brand image, stories are one of the most used features of the platform that will help you have better engagement, reach, and impressions.

Do share your views on this Instagram marketing strategy in the comment section. Thanks for reading:)

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