Rank your brand-new website on the top pages of Google can be a very hard task and a complex task and for this, you need an expert not only an expert but an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) expert and here are some exclusive tips from SEO Experts to improve your website’s ranking on Google:

  • KEYWORD RESEARCH:  Proper alignment of keyword according to your content is very important and that will make your website unique from others. Including as many as keywords in your content and this is what sets apart a site that ranks decently for a few keywords from one that ranks for dozens of high traffic terms.


  • BE THE BEST RESULT: Google wants the best for its users and so you must know what is the requirement of the user and you must know the search queries and target that specific query and design your website in that way to make the page the best available resource for that topic.


  • COMPREHENSIVE CONTENT STRATEGY: You must know your topic well and make your content comprehensive. Determine the topics you want to be known for like the product you want to sell or the company you want to advertise and include as many as keywords and subtopics according to your topic and this will increase your website’s ranking.


  • QUALITY AND CONSISTENT CONTENT: Organic ranking involves a methodical and strategic approach that involves a lot of disciplines. You must have quality content with many internal backlinks for your website which will keep your content connected to the blog post.


  • UNDERSTAND USER INTENT: You must understand the user’s intent because Google’s algorithm is getting smarter and are not only trying to match keywords but also trying to match the intent of the keywords and so your content must be very specific according to what you want to sell or any company you want to advertise about. For example, if the user is typing in a “buying” keyword then more eCommerce websites will show up in the search results rather than blog posts.


  • FIND YOUR FRIENDS: Find your friends within the industry and share as many links as possible this way you can promote your website and automatically the ranking of your website goes up. Give them reasons to share you. To share your content. And boost your visibility to their audience, one that you already know is relevant and aligned to yours.


  • RELEVANT KEYWORDS: You must be prepared and you should do your homework by that it means if you’re not identifying which keyword terms are most popularly searched then you’re going to be like a ship without a sail. You must include proper keywords in your content and it is important to identify a set of core keywords for your content and prioritize the high-value phrases first and foremost before moving onto other more competitive or lower search volume phrases.


The number tool that many uses for website ranking is Google My Business. If you’re a local business targeting searchers in your local market, a Google My Business page is virtually essential in helping your business rank high for local searches. Because Google knows your location of interest based on your IP Address or search intent, they’re able to then serve up the most relevant results to you based on their own database of Google My Business listings with verified physical locations that are actually physically closest to you.



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