29 tips to skyrocket your SEO in 2022

29 tips to skyrocket your SEO rankings in 2020

First of all, let’s clear what on earth SEO means. !

Search engine optimization (SEO) increases the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or a web page to users of a web search engine.

As says Wikipedia

But we also need to have a better and clear way so that our dumb minds also understand.

The meaning of SEO in 2022 differs as the person understands it. For a website owner, it means a free way to get leads; traffic

to an artist says more recognition for a blogger.

For me, it’s my JOB, a way I earn my bread and butter.  

I earn by making people happy.

29 tips to skyrocket your SEO rankings in 2022
29 tips to skyrocket your SEO rankings in 2022

So here are a few tips I would like to share with you so that you can be happy. 

  1. First of all, complete your website to 100%.
  2. Meta title/ tags and complete on-page
  3. Original and authentic content 
  4. Submit your site to search engines (not just google).
  5. Claim your local listing
  6. Have a security certificate (SSL)
  7. Optimize your website’s speed to less than 4 seconds
  8. Have active social media linked to your account 
  9. SEO friendly content 
  10. Breadcrumbs on website
  11. links internal and external 
  12. Custom 404 page
  13. Broken links
  14. Competition
  15. Keyword research
  16. Image optimization 
  17. Infographic 
  18. Mobile-friendly 
  19. Application/tools
  20. freebies
  21. Strong email subscription 
  22. link building 
  23. Paid tools
  24. Automate or delegate things you can 
  25. Update previous content 
  26. Voice search optimization 
  27. local SEO 
  28. reviews 
  29. Focus on UI, UX, Cx

Bonus: Download this in a pdf version 

Let’s dig deep into each tip to know the implementation impact and missing effect. 

 First of all, complete your website to 100%.

First of all, the Complete website refers to all pages working. There should not be any dummy content if you have used a theme template. 

Make sure the footer and theme buttons are customized. If you need any help in Completing your website, you can visit a site like fiver freelancing. Or, if you want specialization, you can also contact cooperitservises.com for further information. 

  • The impact of a 100% complete site is that. 
  • Complete website Gives a professional look to the overall website.
  • makes it easier to rank 
  • Provides Full information about your Business/Product
  • Increases page time on your site. 
  • And If your website is not Complete, it can cause you a lot like loss of potential customers.
  • Low chances of search results in google.
  • make you look unprofessional. (you can have a coming soon or under development page to collect any pre-orders or emails until your site is not complete.)

 Meta title/ tags and complete on-page

Use seositecheckup to check the on-page activity of your page. 

  1. Start with title tag (include keyword it).
  2. Add modifiers to your title (like best, top, smooth) words that drive clicks and sales to your site.
  3. Use the H1 tag as the main heading on your page. (Make it 1 H1 Per page).
  4. Leverage SEO-friendly URL ( with every new post, make sure the URLs are short, don’t have numbers or forward-slash (/).
  5. Make use of image SEO (image alt tag, filename)
  6. Improve site speed (use gtmatrix.com to know the speed information about your site.)
  7. Have meta titles (keyword/ description) because the page’s description is the most important summary of your page as your website’s most click-through rate (CTR) will depend on this. 
  8. Have a site map of your site. (sitemap.XML) helps crawlers to walk through your website easily.
  9. Have a robots.txt on your site.
  10. Each page should have a different page title.
  11. Make sure to have to cache clearing plugin. 
  12. Have a good server 

Do the maximum technical optimization you can do to aid in SEO rankings.

Also, if you need further assistance in completing your on-page SEO, connect with me, and ill try to help. 

 Original and authentic content 

  • Publishing a blog frequently helps, but that doesn’t necessarily mean high traffic or ranks. 
  • So, There was a time when it mattered, but as everyone started exploiting it with low-quality content published every day, now google no longer treats just new material as a critical factor to rank.
  •  But Original and authentic content prevails over New content. 
  • So make sure that it is original and authentic along with new content.
  •  It provides value to the reader, not just information recycled. 

Submit your site to search engines (not just google).

Claim your local listing

  • local business listing is a platform that contains your business Name, Address, phone number, and other business information to help your reach and find customer situates in your local area. Or differentiate your business locally.
  • There are a lot of websites like Yelp, 
  • Goole my business 
  • Foursquare 
  • Bing places
  • There are more each specified to the location and country-specific. 

Have a security certificate (SSL)

  • SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private, and no information is leaked out. 
  • SSL is important as it reduces the chance of your site getting hacked.
  • Some Browsers also notify that the website you are about to visit is unsafe. 
  • Due to this, the users can turn away from you. And a loss of potential customers is there. 
  • How to install SSL on your site: you can either get it from your domain provider or buy it from a third person. 
  • Few of the providers are GoDaddy, SSL provider, how host

Optimize your site’s speed to be less than 4sec

  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN).
  • Move your website to a stronger host.
  • Optimize the dimensions of pictures on your website.
  • Reduce the number of plugins.
  • Minimize the quantity of JavaScript and CSS files.
  • Use website caching.
  • Implement Gzip Compression.
  • Database improvement in CMS.
  • Check your website’s @googlepageinsight for an in-depth report.

Have active social media linked to your account 

  • how to add social media links to your website: WordPress
  • helps improve search rankings 
  • Builds trust and authenticity to your website
  • keeps your visitor engaged 

SEO friendly content 

  1. 3-5 main keywords (shorttail) keywords
  2. One main long-tail keywords
  3. Post title – 66 character
  4. meta title- 156 character
  5. Keywords in both post Title & Meta Title
  6. No Stop words in Meta Title should be used, e.g. ( To, a)
  7. Image with ALT Attribute
  8. Use Keywords in the image alt text.
  9. 2-4 Interlinking of Our Content ( previous blog links )
  10. 10) H1, H2, H3
  11. Keyword density .5%- 2% (1000 words (5-20))
  12. The first word in the title should be the keyword.
  13. 3-6 outbound links
  14. minimum article length – 400 words
  15. content should be in parts (paragraph)

Breadcrumbs on the website

  • What is a breadcrumb?
  •  Breadcrumb is a way to show your users their navigated location and a trail of how they got there.
  • Why?
  • enhances Users Experience
  • Increases stay time 

How to include a Breadcrumb Navigation on your website 

by using simple HTML and CSS 

Refer to this page for more https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_css_breadcrumbs.asp


Links internal and external

Therefore Hyperlinks are either ‘external’ or ‘internal’ depending on their target URL destination. 

External links are outbound links that take the user to a different webpage. Adding external links allows the link juice to follow the link, which helps your website. 

adding external links to the website aids in 

  • Increases site’s credibility
  • Reach out to other influencers 
  • Increase traffic to your website
  • improve brand recognition
  • Improves trustworthiness of your website 

Furthermore, Linking to a non-related website confuses search engines, so links are to be made after considering the type and quality of the website. 

Internal links 

Hyperlinks that are added and directed to the same website 


  • Improves usability through anchor texts (the words on which you link)
  • boosts page views  
  • improves PageRank
  • improves time on site
  • helps to crawl and indexing

Custom 404 page

404 page is what you see when a nonexistent page is accessed.

Why create one?

  • to Make your website userfriendly
  • Provide info that they have reached a wrong page 
  • as a result, it Makes visitors stay and explore your site further 
  • Improves SEO for your website.
  • Links on 404 pages help users get back to the website. 

PS. No matter how beautiful the 404 page is, you don’t want it to appear in Google search results.

Broken links

just like this one: Mohinisingh.in/broken-link

When a link sends users to an error page on the website, Be it 404, 305, or more.

Why it happens is 

  • probably the page no longer exists 
  • Perhaps you are not giving enough time to your website 😉 (kidding)
  • They are harmful to Your site SEO 

there are a few tools from which you can check if there are any broken links present on your website 


What to do? Know who your competitors are, analyze what they do then,

do better.

Analyze the competition’s strengths and weaknesses. Do the SWOT analysis and make sure you mark every move they make. Note every strategy used by each competitor.

  •  Track there backlinks 
  • Identify Keywords 

tools to help: 

Keyword research 

Keyword research is the way to find the perfect set of crucial phrases that your potential customers search on the internet to find solutions. 

Make your keywords thorough enough to use every type of SEO keywords research possible such as 

  • shorttail,
  •  long-tail
  • short-term
  • long-term,
  • product defining
  • customer defining
  • geo-targeting
  • LSI 
  • Intent targeting. 

A few ways you can search your keywords are :

  • GOOGLe Search bar (without pressing the enter)
  • related search at the end of the google search result page
  • google trends 
  • Google Search Console.
  • Keyword explorer 

Tools :

Image SEO 

Image SEO involves optimizing image file size to the smallest without compromising the quality, and also images aid the user experience of reading and help in overall SEO in 2022 

few points to consider while doing the SEO for images 

  • Name the file name with keywords 
  • provide alt text 
  • add captions 
  • dimensions match the image size 
  • use images that support the text 
  • optimize images to load faster


Infographics help the user grasp more connections with ease 

creating beautiful visuals that tend to increase the stay time of the site.

Complex information in graphic formats makes it easy to read and understand. 

How do infographics help in SEO?

  • easy to share 
  • gets natural backlinks 
  • brand awareness 
  • Generate More Traffic.
  • Easy to Track and Analyze


Your website should be just the same across all the devises 

  • the navigation works appropriately, 
  • Make your website responsive 
  • Make your buttons big enough to be clicked 

Test Your websites in google mobile-friendly test 



Make use of the tools and applications to make your work easy and fast

 you can either do everything on your own or take the help of some tools to make your time more productive 

these tools by google are 100% recommended

  • PageSpeed Insights.
  • Analytics. 
  • Keyword Planner.
  • Search Console 
  • Google Consumer Surveys
  • Google Trends
  • Content Experiments
  • Google Places for Business
  • Google Alerts
  • Tag Manager


  • Freebies or, in other words, barter the information(email subscription) in exchange for something of value. e.g., PFD 
  • free video lecture 
  • Free ebook etc.
  • How do they help?
  • They are great as they generate a lot of traffic. They also capture leads they can help with the next thing you want to achieve after providing them with the free stuff they encourage users to give in the deeds you want. 

PS. Not everything free is worth a subscription. Make sure you provide value too. 

Strong email subscription 

An active email list is a factor in a ton of things. Few among them are 

  • Low costs reach 
  • Deliver targeted messages.
  • each to share 
  • each to convert 
  • no time limit 
  • no location barrier 

*Remarketing becomes easy with a long list of subscriptions*

How to create a strong email list 

  • make sure you have an email subscription form on your website
  • have your users fill in details and subscribe 
  • ask influencers to promote your websites 
  • conduct surveys asking email 
  • ask your current clients to subscribe to your email list 

link building and social media

Link building is the backbone of off-page SEO, and one of the best ways is to ask for it. Yes! there are several ways you can build backlinks for your website 

social media is also a great way to create quality backlinks for your website.


by starting a blog. 

  1. Write a good guest post.
  2. Spy on your competitors. 
  3. Write testimonials. 
  4. Contacting influencers and bloggers.
  5. Make an awesome round-up post and share it with everyone you mentioned.

Paid tools 

some of the primary tools I use in my daily practice are

  • Screaming Frog SEO Spider.
  • Ahrefs
  • SEMrush.
  • Moz Pro.
  • Mangools KWFinder.
  • Searchmetrics.
  • Majestic.

You can buy these from bulk providers like Flikover.

Automate or delegate 

Automation is the thing that will help you multitask and be more productive. You can schedule your posts/blogs in advance to create a content calendar and work on it. 

We can hire when we can’t do everything on our own.

manging content, graphics, ads, posting, a website on its own can be a big task, and if we have more than one site or client than definitely, we need to have the assistance 

  • it can be in the form of tools 
  • or freelancers to delegate your workload
  • Also, instead of focusing on everything, you will give to work more on SEO. 

Update previous content 

  • Updating Previous content will be a good idea as google or anyone doesn’t like to look at outdated content or stale content.
  • Previous content updates help rank your old pages. 
  • Bring traffic to the old pages. 
  • build trust on the already ranking keywords 

refer: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/increase-seo-traffic-updating-thickening-old-blog-posts/191891/#close

Voice search optimization of the website.


how to optimize your website for voice search 

  • make the content of the site is divided into small parts (100 words)
  • let there be short questions
  • the answer should be in points 
  •  include keywords in the first 100 words 
  • include words in full sentences. 

Voice search is the next trending optimization and one of the important ranking factors in 2020 in 2022. 

as per the trends, voice search has taken over more than 25% of total searches globally.

Local SEO 

Local SEO is the first thing to set up when getting started with your online business. 

Some sites help local businesses grow, which are targeted to local areas.

  • Build Local Citations. 
  • Google My Business Listings.
  • Optimize Website Pages and Content for Local Keywords.
  • Schema and Local Structured Data Markup for Local Businesses.
  • Encourage Online User Reviews.


  • The review is feedback your clients leave; it can be positive or negative. 
  • Feedback has always been valuable, and you can receive a review for almost anything. 
  • But most importantly, the review carries value to your website matter. 
  • That is the reason people show client testimony on their websites more often. 

How reviews help boost your SEO in 2022

  • they encourage clicks 
  • creates a positive reputations 
  • use of keywords in reviews increases your website position
  • increase in traffic
  • credibility boost

finally UI, UX, CX

  • User experience (UX), Customer experience (CX) 
  • User experience is the most important factor to make or break your online reputation as no matter what you present on the website until it’s not presentable, it won’t matter. 
  • no one like to struggle on the site, and if the links are blurry, the content is out of the box, 
  • colors don’t blend it 
  • in a shot, the experience on your website as smooth it is the more the site has followers 

e.g., if I own an e-commerce website and take more than 30 clicks to place the order, I don’t feel I will be getting any orders. 

REFER: https://www.vertical-leap.uk/blog/companies-win-when-seo-ux-cx-talk/

This piece was my take on SEO in 2022 most important things to consider are, and I hope this article helps you gain enough traffic and rank for your website. 

Feels free to ask anything in the comment below!

16 thoughts on “29 tips to skyrocket your SEO in 2022”

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